Friday 25 January 2013

'Forward' Magazine

I'm working again on my magazine today, because I'm conscious about not having much time for it in the next coming weeks - big projects coming along (watch this space). This in mind, I've been in contact with a few fashion blog girls to see if I can feature them in a little article, and already I've heard back from some. This in mind I've been working on some front cover ideas. So here are some of the drafts (I'm unsure which I'll run yet, but it's early days.)

I think I'm leaning more towards a wordless cover at the minute, but I'm nowhere near decided yet. The model on the cover is Lydia from from one of my favourite fashion blogs, her style is wonderful, visit her blog!

Thursday 24 January 2013

Beauty Works

I've been lucky enough to have been given a few bits of design to do for the AMAZING hair extension company, Beauty Works ( One of my most recent was some packaging for their 'Glamorous Curl Double Volume' synthetic hair piece (

Here's my design for the packaging:

Then how lovely to spy on my little Twitter feed, the very packaging in between a sea of beautiful hair!

I'm so excited that my packaging is on the shelves! This was such a great experience for me, a mere second year Design student and I'm so grateful for the opportunity to work with such a great company, check them out if you want the best hair you can get! 

Follow them on Twitter: @beauty_works 
Or a 'like' on Facebook:

Blog "Re-Vamp"

I've decided to give my blog a little re-vamp (Already, I know). Below are my little before and after screen shots. (Please note, the background image is NOT mine, however the header is):

The first look was a little too girly for me, I feel. I've also decided to widen the spectrum of my blog. I'm really interested in Fashion, and this is line of work the I'm DESPERATE to go into. I'll post both my design works from University/Freelance and I'll also let you into my little fashion world, posting little photos of my latest purchases (I shop A LOT), maybe some Fashion reviews, we'll just see how it goes, I'm new to this Fashion Blog world, Be kind! 

Friday 18 January 2013

"Forward" Magazine.

So I've decided to make my own fashion magazine, and I have decided to call it 'Forward'. After a good few days playing around with Logos/Styles etc, I've come up with my first draft. Obviously inspired by the very cold January weather that we appear to be getting. Here's a little sneak peek, hope you like!

Creating my blog.

Blog banner variations and styles:

New Year, New Blog.

Happy New Year!
I've decided to make a new blog for 2013 to showcase what I'm doing in my little design world, sort of like a virtual sketchbook. It will feature both University work and my freelance work (when I'm lucky enough to get some) and possibly little bits about my life. Enjoy.